Weather Timeline is a simple weather app that focuses on summarising the next hour, the next 48 hours and the next week so you don't have to. It presents the forecast in a timeline to help you quickly glance and digest the information and has a strong focus on color to outline the weather conditions. The app includes current weather alerts/warnings for your chosen locations and includes a time machine weather forecast so you can look at the forecast months, even years in advance or check what the weather was like several decades ago.
Simple, elegant design
Bold use of color to increase legibility
Timeline forecast so you can easily glance at the information
Time machine forecasting to check the whether months/years in advance
Local weather alerts front and centre
Powered by the hyperlocal weather service, Forecast
What's in this version : (Updated : Mar 8, 2015)
Searching for places is more material
Option to choose colour of add place button
Many more languages/translations
Umbrella alert - get an alert in the morning if you need an umbrella that day
UV index for Weather Underground
Time machine header will collapse on scrolling
Option for clock widget date format
Delete place button added in menu
Can rename current location in case geocoder gets the name wrong
Added hPa and kPa pressure units
Bug fixes and visual tweaks
Required Android O/S : 4.0.1+
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